Accessing and Modifying Tales

The Run view allows you to interact with and modify your running tale. From this page you can:

Launching the Tale

After you have finalized your tale and click Run Tale, you’ll be brought to the Interact page where it will start up, seen in the image below. From here you can access the tale, along with an assortment of other actions that are documented below.


A tale that is being created and configured.

Interacting With Tales


When starting a tale that is using an RStudio Environment, you’ll be presented with RStudio, shown below.


Each of the folders shown are analogous to the tabs under the Files tab. You can access all of your home files under the home/ folder; data that was brought in from a third party service can be found under data/; files that were added to your workspace are found under workspace/.

Jupyter Notebook

When starting a tale that has a Jupyter Notebook Environment, you’ll be presented with a typical Notebook interface.


As with RStudio, data that came from external repositories can be found under data/, home directory files in home/, and workspace files in workspace/.

Adding Data

See File Management for details about how to manage files and data in your tale.

Modifying Tale Metadata

The Run page can also be used to access the tale metadata editor, shown below.


The editor can be used to change the environment, add authors to the tale, change the license, make the tale public, and provide in in-depth description of the tale.

Advanced Settings

The advanced settings section allows you to override default settings including the default command, environment variables, and memory limits. Note that memory limits are contrained by the underlying virtual machine. Any additional files required for building the container image can be specified using the extra_build_files setting.

    "environment": [
     extra_build_files: [

Tale Actions

Use the tale’s action menu, highlighted below, to access tale-specific operations.


The tale’s action menu

Tale actions



View Logs

Enabled when your tale instance is running, this option allows you
to view the running container instance logs (i.e., docker logs).

Rebuild Tale

Rebuilds the container image. Requires restart (below).

Restart Tale

Restartsthe container instance

Save Tale Version

Creates a new version of your tale. See Versioning Tales.

Recorded Run

Starts a recorded run. See Recorded Runs.

Duplicate Tale

Creates a copy of your tale.

Publish Tale

Publishes your tale to a supported repository. See Publishing Tales.

Export Tale

Exports your tale. See Exporting and Running Locally.

Connect to Git Repository…

Connects an existing workspace to a remote Git repository.